

Sarah Hertwig (2024), Human Rights Paper Session: The Potential of Human Rights Budgeting for Inclusive Cities.

International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels, Accountability in Action: Human Rights Action Plans of Local Governments, in: Gerd Oberleitner and Klaus Starl (series eds.), Human Rights Go Local Publication Series, Volume 5, HRGL Publishing, Graz, 2024.

International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and UNESCO Chair for Human Rights and Human Security (2024), Accountability in Action: Human Rights Action Plans of Local Governments, Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of Human Rights Go Local: What Works Academy and Conference 2024.

Isabella Meier (ed.), Toolkit for Equality: City Policies against Racism: Equality Data Collection, September 2024.

Wanda Tiefenbacher, Ana Karolina Medeiros (2024), Combating Racism in and through Sports: A Strategic Planning Model for Local Authorities.


Edilu Shona Dikale, Feasibility Study: Becoming a Human Rights City in Ethiopia – Hawassa City and lessons learned from the Human Rights City of Graz, ETC Occasional Paper No. 41, November 2023.

International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels, Governing the City by Human Rights Objectives: Embedding Human Rights in Public Management Instruments, in: Gerd Oberleitner and Klaus Starl (series eds.), Human Rights Go Local Publication Series, Volume 4, HRGL Publishing, Graz, 2023.

International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security (2023), Governing the City by Human Rights Objectives: Management Concepts and Instruments, Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of Human Rights Go Local: What Works Academy and Conference 2023.


International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security (2022), From Intentions to Commitments: Towards the Effective and Sustainable Implementation of Human Rights, Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of Human Rights Go Local: What Works Academy and Conference 2022.

Simone Philipp, Klaus Starl, Andreas Kunz (2022), GUARANTEEING THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION FOR ROMA CHILDREN IN EUROPEAN CITIES Accompanying Action Research – Objectives, methods and results, ETC Occasional Paper No. 39, February 2022.

Jasmien Deklerck (2022), From Commitment to Responsibility for Human Rights in Cities and Regions, in: Gerd Oberleitner and Klaus Starl (series eds.), Human Rights Go Local Publication Series, Volume 3, HRGL Publishing, Graz.

Livia Perschy (2022), Human Rights City Reports as a Collaborative Means to Identify and Mitigate the Challenges of the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Local Level, in: The World Human Rights Cities Forum, Paper Series II, WHRCF 2021.


Markus Möstl, Wanda Tiefenbacher (2021), Building Bridges between Local Governments and the Scientific Community to Promote Human Rights, in: Philip Czech, Lisa Heschl, Karin Lukas, Manfred Nowak, Gerd Oberleitner (eds.), European Yearbook on Human Rights 2021, Intersentia, Cambridge, 651-661.

International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security (2021), Building Bridges between Local Governments and the Scientific Community to Promote Human Rights, Outcome Document and Explanatory Remarks of Human Rights Go Local: What Works Academy and Conference 2021.

Isabella Meier (2021), Research on Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels: Methods, Practices, Approaches, in: Gerd Oberleitner and Klaus Starl (series eds.), Human Rights Go Local Publication Series, Volume 2, HRGL Publishing, Graz, 2021.

Markus Möstl (2021), Conceptualizing Human Rights Cities: Legal Deliberations and Practical Proposals on the Pursuit of Human Rights and the SDGs at the Local Level, in: The World Human Rights Cities Forum, Paper Series I, WHRCF 2020.

Niko Reinberg and Bernd Stadlober (2021), Practitioners’ Guide for Implementers of a Sports & Learning Program, GUARANTEE – Guaranteeing the Right to Education for Roma Children in Selected European Cities, ETC Graz. (also available in German)

Tanja Tajmel, Klaus Starl, Susanne Spintig (eds.) (2021), The Human Rights-Based Approach to STEM Education, Waxmann.


Karina Gomes and Markus Möstl (2020), Implementing Human Rights and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the Local Level: Key Issues and Examples, in: Gerd Oberleitner and Klaus Starl (series eds.): Human Rights Go Local Publication Series, Volume 1. HRGL Publishing, Graz.

Markus Möstl, Maddalena Vivona, Isabella Meier, Klaus Starl (2020), EU practices on measuring human rights, in: Jan Wouters, Manfred Nowak, Anna-Luise Chané, Nicolas Hachez (eds.), The European Union and Human Rights – Law and Policy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2020, 523-541.


Klaus Starl (2018), Perspektiven der Menschenrechtsstädte, in: Josef P. Mautner (ed.): Regionale
Menschenrechtspraxis: Herausforderungen-Antworten-Perspektiven. Mandelbaum Verlag. Salzburg, Austria.

Simone Philipp, Klaus Starl (eds.) (2017), Focusing on Human Rights at Local and Regional Level. ETC Graz.

Klaus Starl (2016), Human rights and the city: obligations, commitments and opportunities. Do human  rights cities make a difference for citizens and authorities? Two case studies on the freedom of expression, in: Barbara M. Oomen, Martha F. Davis, Michele Grigolo (eds.): Global Urban Justice: The Rise of Human Rights Cities. Cambridge University Press.

Simone Philipp, Klaus Starl (2014), Lebenssituation von „Schwarzen“ in urbanen Zentren Österreichs. Bestandsaufnahme und Implikationen für nationale, regionale und lokale Menschenrechtspolitiken. ETC Graz.