Human Rights Go Local Publication Series

The publication series “Human Rights Go Local” is jointly edited by the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO and the UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Human Security at the University of Graz. The series is published by HRGL Publications. 

The series allows established researchers, new voices, and practitioners to contribute to the debate on the interlinkages between human rights and global policy frameworks, such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. In addition, the publication series showcases how these very interlinkages can guide us towards creating inclusive, resilient, safe, and sustainable urban spaces and regions.

The contributions to this publication series are targeted to all stakeholders at the local and regional levels: municipal administrations and regional governments; local authorities and service-providers; city coalitions; scholars and activists; and everyone seeking to understand, evaluate, discuss, and engage in fostering human rights and sustainable development at the local and regional levels.