Legal notice (Imprint page)

Declaration according to § 5 Law on E-Commerce (Österreichisches E-Commerce Gesetz, in particular paragraph 1 number 1, 2, 3, 5):

Name (Ed.): European Training and Research Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (ETC Graz)

Elisabethstraße 50B
8010 Graz

Contact: Dr. Klaus Starl
Phone: +43 (0) 316 380 1538

Regulatory authority: Federal Police Directorate Graz
Legal form: Association (Verein), ZVR 644917327


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This site’s own links to external sites are only signposts to these sites; they are therefore displayed in a separate browser window by means of an external link. The publisher does not identify himself with the content of the pages to which links are provided and accepts no liability for this; he deliberately sets links to pages on which other opinions are represented in order to offer the reader as broad a spectrum as possible. Should one of the pages to which links are provided contain dubious or illegal content, please inform us; in such a case the link will be deleted immediately.


Despite thorough examination of all texts on the website, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness and topicality of the information.

Find our data protection declaration here.