Human Rights Go Local: What Works
“From Intentions to Commitments: Towards the Effective and Sustainable Implementation of Human Rights”
1 – 8 February 2022
Call for Applications
(version: 13 December 2021)
Cities and municipalities are the public authorities closest to their citizens. Therefore, it is crucial to implement human rights at the local level to ensure that no one is left behind. What are concrete ways for local governments and stakeholders to strengthen their commitment to human rights? To answer this question, we want to draw together efforts from across the world.
We want to hear from you! Join our online Academy bringing together local authorities and human rights players from across the globe and share your unique expertise with us. Take part in a participatory, multi-day online event and tell us about frameworks, tools, and practices to help local authorities deepen their commitment to human rights.
Be part of the solution! Help devise lessons learnt and stimulate developments to create an environment for the respect, protection, and fulfilment of human rights. Interact to help elaborate recommendations for local governments on how to fulfil their human rights commitments.
Who should apply?
We encourage cities, city networks, international organisations, as well as intermediaries from think tanks, academia, civil society, and national/regional organisations to apply. Further, we are eager to welcome members of the next generation who are interested in pursuing a career in human rights.
Why should you join?
- Be part of a participatory, multi-day online forum offering workshops, open spaces, and room for discussion and contributions by all.
- Make use of a unique opportunity for collaboration, exchange, networking across regions, disciplines and approaches.
- Share what you know and contribute to recommendations directed at local authorities.
- Learn from the experiences of cities and regions from across the globe.
- Gain insight into possibilities and spheres for action and collaboration on how to respect, protect, and fulfil human rights at the local level.
Get involved!
Submit your application now! The application form is available at
You can also sign up to receive regular updates about the event.
The call is open until 17 December 2021.
Please make sure to consult our list of Frequently Asked Questions, also available on the website.