The Centre wishes to extend its deepest gratitude to the following founders and supporters, without whom the establishment and continuous work would not be possible:
UNESCO is a key partner in the implementation of both the UNESCO Center's and the Chair's mandates, and collaborates closely with the two organizations on a range of initiatives. UNESCO is represented by ADG Gabriela Ramos in the Governing Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and is co-organizer of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”. UNESCO Centre and Chair have engaged with the International Coalition for Inclusive and Sustainable Cities (ICCAR) for over ten years in various capacities. The UNESCO Field office Cairo partners with the UNESCO Centre and Chair on capacity building for human rights in the Arab region, co-edits the Toolkit for Inclusive Cities in the Arab Region, and cooperates with the UNESCO Centre on the coordination of the Arab Coalition of Inclusive and Sustainable Cities.
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UN-Habitat is a key stakeholder in the implementation of the Centre’s mandate and co-organizer of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”.
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The Office of the High Commissioner is a crucial partner in the implementation of the Centre’s mandate and a co-organizer of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”.
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The Council of Europe's Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is a key stakeholder in the implementation of the Centre's mandate. The Congress is a co-organiser of the Academy and Conference "Human Rights Go Local: What Works."
The FRA is a key stakeholder in the implementation of the Centre’s mandate and co-organizer of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”. The ETC serves as Austria's National Focal Point (NFP) in the FRANET research network. In 2021, the Centre and the FRA cooperated closely on the FRA’s creation of a Framework of Commitment for Human Rights Cities.
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The Republic of Austria is a founding party of the UNESCO Centre. The Republic’s representative is chairman of the Governing Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and is a key partner in the realization of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”.
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The Austrian Commission for UNESCO is the national coordination and liaison office for UNESCO. It advises the Austrian federal government, the federal states and other relevant bodies on all questions arising from Austria’s membership in UNESCO, and collaborates on the implementation of programmes and informs the public of UNESCO’s work. It supports the UNESCO Chair and Centre.
The Province of Styria is a founding party of the UNESCO Centre. The Province is represented in the Governing Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and is a key partner in the realization of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”.
More information (in German) at:
The City of Graz is a founding party of the UNESCO Centre. The City is also represented in the Governing Board of the Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels and is a key partner in the realization of the Academy and Conference “Human Rights Go Local – What Works”. The Human Rights City of Graz and its administration provide the foundation and support for a wide range of initiatives and projects by both institutions.
More information (in German) at:
ALGA of UCLG Africa is a partner of the UNESCO Centre in the delivery of capacity-building activities The Memorandum of Understanding between the UNESCO Centre and ALGA was agreed in 2017 to collaborate in the field of human rights and democracy at the local level through training and capacity building for local and regional authorities in Africa.
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ECCAR is a close partner of the UNESCO Centre and collaborator in a range of activities relating to racism and discrimination at the local level. Klaus Starl, Director of the UNESCO Centre, has been a member of ECCAR's scientific advisory committee since 2004. He coordinates the committee's working group on the evaluation of city reports in this capacity.
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The Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights under the auspices of UNESCO is the Graz Centre's sister organisation in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two Centres collaborate in terms of networking and global outreach.
The World Human Rights Cities Forum (WHRCF) is held annually in the human rights city of Gwangju, Republic of Korea, since 2011. It is a gathering place for human rights cities’ officials, human rights organizations, activists and other stakeholders. Since 2020, the Chair organises a paper session on specific topics of human rights at the local level together with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute.
In 2021, the UNESCO Centre and the UNESCO Chair agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding with the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI). The goal is to undertake collaborative activities for the purpose of promoting human rights at the local and regional levels through joint initiatives including capacity-building, research, developing a human rights trainer pool and staff exchanges.
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Paragraph Software GmbH is the main provider of digital infrastructure for the Centre and crucial supporter in the implementation of the Centre’s mandate. The company produces software for the judicial sector including secure communication between lawyers, courts and administration. The company provides the UNESCO Centre services for internal administration and project management, internet applications, and is involved in the realization of projects that require technical assistance. It is the main donor of the youth platform
Kenne deine Rechte'.
More information (in German) at: