The International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels is hosted by ETC Graz. With its General Assembly and elected Board, ETC Graz acts as the operational and legal body behind the Centre.
The Centre hosts six staff members from different academic disciplines and backgrounds:
Two consulting trainers conduct human rights education and training:
New openings and opportunities are announced here.
Scientific Board
Dr. Elisabeth Abiri, Gothenburg
Prof. Dr. Florence Benoît-Rohmer, Strasbourg
Prof. Dr. Florian Bieber, Graz
Prof. Dr. Christina Binder, Munich
Dr. Christine Bräutigam, New York
Prof. Dr. Bojko Bučar, Ljubljana
Prof. Dr. Paolo di Stefani, Padova
Prof. Dr. Paul Gragl, Graz
Prof. DDr. Rainer Hofmann, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. Walter Kälin, Bern
Prof. Dr. Dzidek Kedzia, Poznan/Geneva
Prof. Dr. Morten Kjærum, Lund
Prof. Dr. Benjamin Kneihs, Salzburg
Prof. Dr. Emma Lantschner, Graz
Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Lehners, Luxembourg
Prof. Dr. Peter Leuprecht, Montréal
Dr. Walther Lichem, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Lauri Mälksoo, Tartu
Prof. Dr. Joseph Marko, Graz
Prof. Dr. Vital Moreira, Coimbra
Prof. Dr. Manfred Nowak, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Barbara Oomen, Middelburg
Prof. Dr. Elina Pirjatanniemi, Abo/Turku
Prof. Dr. Martin Polaschek, Graz
Prof. Dr. Wolf Rauch, Graz
Prof. Dr. Kurt Remele, Graz
Prof. Dr. Kirsten Schmalenbach, Salzburg
Prof. Dr. Alexander Sicilianos, Strasbourg
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Staudegger, Graz
Alfred Stingl, Graz
Dr. Christian Strohal, Vienna
Ges. Dr. Engelbert Theuermann, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Helmut Tichy, Vienna
Prof. Dr. Daniel Thürer, Zurich
Prof. Dr. Silvia Ulrich, Linz
a.o. Prof. Dr. Anita Ziegerhofer, Graz
Prof. Dr. Leo Zwaak, Utrecht