ADG Ramos and Federal Minister Schallenberg visit Centre and Chair

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On May 25 2021, UNESCO Assistant Director for Social and Human Sciences Gabriela Ramos and Austrian Federal Minister for International and European Affairs Alexander Schallenberg visited the International Centre and the UNESCO Chair in Graz. The two guests took part in an exhibition opening at the ETC and participated in a moderated discussion with students from the University of Graz who focus on human rights in their studies. The debate touched on relevant human rights aspects in relation to COVID-19 and UNESCO’s human rights activities.

Photos by Markus Möstl

An event in the evening hosted by Mayor of Graz, Siegfried Nagl, marked the highlight of the visit. The aim was to celebrate the 20-year anniversary of Graz as Europe’s first Human Rights City and to officially inaugurate the International Centre for the Promotion of Human Rights at the Local and Regional Levels under the auspices of UNESCO. The evening was dedicated to the Human Rights City of Graz, UNESCO and strengthening human rights at the international, national, and regional level. Finally, the celebrations reached their end with the closing speech of Hermann Schützenhöfer, the Governor of the Province of Styria.

A livestream of the event is available here:

The City of Graz, the Province of Styria and the International Chair and Centre were very happy to welcome Ms Ramos and Mr Schallenberg to Graz and to introduce them to the research, capacity-building, and teaching work which is conducted on a daily basis in order to strengthen human rights.