The Consortium of the GUARANTEE project are happy to announce that the European Conference on Guaranteeing the Right to Education for All in European Cities will take place in a hybrid online format.
Date: 27 May 2021
Time: 11:00 to 14:00 EEST (10:00 – 13:00 CET)
Location: at the House of Culture, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (participation online and in person)
PDF: Invitation (English, Bulgarian, German)
The conference will be an arena for knowledge transfer and the exchange of good practices between professionals. Best practices and lessons learnt throughout the project will be presented, analyzed, documented and distributed.
GUARANTEE is a project co-funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the European Union. It is realized by four partners: the Roma Foundation Plovdiv, Grünbau Dortmund, Caritas Styria, coordinated by the European Training Centre for Human Rights Graz. The aim of GUARANTEE is to promote children’s right to education by preventing school dropouts and promoting the transition to secondary/vocational schools, as well as by deconstructing harmful stereotypes and fostering mutual understanding between Roma and non-Roma youth. This is achieved through leisure activities for teenagers that support their educational development and promote team building between Roma and non-Roma youth.